Faculty and GTAs

The directory below lists all faculty and graduate teaching assistants actively teaching (or preparing to teach) in Virginia Tech’s University Writing Program. If you are an undergraduate student and have questions or if you encounter challenges contacting a faculty member or GTA, please contact jmengert -AT- vt.edu. For faculty and GTAs, to request an update to your listing in the directory, send a request via email to jmengert -AT- vt.edu.

NameEmailRoleDegree or programOffice LocationFA24 Office Hours
Allnutt, Robinrallnut@vt.eduSenior InstructorMFA, George Mason, 1997Shanks 237By appointment
Austin, Nicoleaustinn27@vt.eduInstructorMA, Findlay, 2021Shanks 444R 3-5 (via Zoom)
Baker, Nettanettab@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMA, Kansas State, 2013Shanks 329ATBA
Baker, Shaunshibadou@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMA, Kansas State, 2013Shanks 353TBA
Becker, Timtimbecker@vt.eduInstructorMA, NC State, 2019Shanks 222W 4-6
Bennington, Spencerbennington@vt.eduInstructorPhD, South Florida, 2020Shanks 414MWF 12:15-1:15
Bloomer, Lissaebloomer@vt.eduSenior InstructorMA, Virginia TechShanks 229TR 12-2 (by appointment)
Borjas, Emiliabemilia@vt.eduGTAMFA(3)Shanks 242TBA
Brewer, Elishaelishamykelti@vt.eduGTAMFA(3)Shanks 438TBA
Brown, Nicknbrown1@vt.eduInstructorPhD, Texas Christian, 2021Shanks 452MWF 12:15-1:00
Canter, Bobbcanter@vt.eduSenior InstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 2013Shanks 219M 3-5; R 12-5
Chandler-Smith, Genagechandl@vt.eduAssociate Chair and Associate Professor, English DepartmentPhD, UNC Chapel Hill, 2004Shanks 313M 11:30-1:00
Cohen, Jessiejcohen89@vt.eduInstructorPhD, Florida State, 2020Shanks 433F 3-5 (via Zoom) or by appointment
Conaway, Seanseconawa@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMFA, Virginia TechN/ATBA
Corradi, Ariaricorradi@vt.eduInstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 2022Shanks 445TR 12-1
Correll, Colleencolle78@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 2017Shanks 451R 4:30-6:30 (via Zoom)
Corwin, Lilylcorwin@vt.eduInstructorPhD, Catholic U, 2009Shanks 410TR 12:30-1:30
Craig, Clintoncjcraig@vt.eduInstructorPhD, Louisiana-Lafayette, 2021Shanks 337MW 9-10 (or by appointment)
Craig, Sherrisecraig@vt.eduAssistant ProfessorPhD, Purdue, 2018Shanks 308In person: MF 11:30-1:00; or M-TH via Zoom (by appointment)
Culmone, Jayjsculmone@vt.eduGTAMFA(3)TBA
Dorrah, Kapreecekdorrah719@vt.eduGTAMFA(3)Shanks 440TBA
Dragon, Nathanndragon@vt.eduInstructorMFA, Virginia Tech, 2023Shanks 444TBA
Drapeau, Jaclyn djaclyn5@vt.eduInstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 2018Shanks 222W 3-5 (or by appointment)
Fehr, Lauralauraf2@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 2015Shanks 414M 12-2 (in Newman Library); W 2-3 (via Zoom)
Fessenden, Fezfez@vt.eduGTA MFA (3)Shanks 242TBA
Gaynor, Gracegraceag@vt.eduGTAMFA(3)Shanks 242R 12-1; F 10:30-11:30
Gibbs, Jaredjagibbs2@vt.eduAdvanced Instructor; Assistant Chair, English DepartmentMA, Virginia TechShanks 301W 1:30-5:30
Gilbert, Serenasdgilbert@vt.eduSenior InstructorShanks 249TR 10:45-11:45
Govea, Jesusjgoveajr4@vt.eduGTAMFA(2)Shanks 438W 10:30-12:15
Greene, Justinjrgreene@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorPhD, VCU, 2018Shanks 239M 1:30-5:00 (in person or via Zoom)
Greene, Patrickpgree015@vt.eduGTAPHD(3)Shanks 203W 10-12
Hall, Katherinekahall2@vt.eduInstructorPhD, Virginia Tech, 2001Shanks 329ATBA
Halsey, Jessicajessicah23@vt.eduGTAMA(2)Shanks 238MW 10-12
Hendrix, Johnhendrixjw@vt.eduGTAPHD(1)Shanks 442TR 12:15-1:15
Hobin, Andrewahobin@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMFA, Virginia Tech, 2013Shanks 351TBA
Hooper, Roberthoop@vt.eduInstructorMFA, Virginia Tech, 2014Shanks 340DMW 4-5 (and by appointment)
Hoyer, Samanthahoyersj@vt.eduGTAMA(2)Shanks 203MW 10:05-11:05
Johnson, Ingridingridb@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 2014Shanks 449T 8:30-10:30 (in-person or via Zoom, by appointment)
Jones, Andréandjones@vt.eduInstructorMA, Kean U, 2016Shanks 247TR 2-3 (via Zoom or in person, by request)
Kamadulski, Emeliaedkamadulski@vt.eduGTAMFA(2)Shanks 446W 10-12
Kapoor, Karankarankapoor@vt.eduGTAMFA(2)Shanks 242MWF 1:15-2:45
Karagulle, Seydaskaragulle@vt.eduGTAPHD(1)Shanks 424M 12:30-2:30 (or via Zoom, by appointment)
Kwawukumey, Gideongkkwawu@vt.eduGTAPHD(2)Shanks 442M 11-1 (via Zoom, by appointment)
Lawrence, Jennyjlwrnc@vt.eduSenior InstructorMA, Radford, 1994Newman 2005MF 12:30-2:00 (in person or via Zoom, by appointment)
Li, Linllin76@vt.eduGTAPHD(4)Shanks 245M 11:30-1:30
Lohani, Sureshsuresh@vt.eduInstructorPhD, Texas–El Paso, 2022Shanks 215MF 12:10-1:10
Long, Katiekaitlynl@vt.eduGTAPHD(1)Shanks 246TR 12:30-2:30
Ma, Tongfeitongfei@vt.eduGTAMA(2)Shanks 238F 2:30-4:30
Malik, Shaheershaheermalik@vt.eduGTAMFA(3)Shanks 242M 12-2 (via Zoom or by appointment)
Marzolf, Amandaakm1231@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 2016Shanks 221T 9-11 (and by appointment)
Maycock, Shellymmayco@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 1985Shanks 225TBA
Mengert, Juliejmengert@vt.eduCollegiate Assistant Professor; Director of the UWPPhD, Virginia Tech, 2022Shanks 217MW 10-11
Oakey, Stevesoakey@vt.eduSenior InstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 2004Shanks 211TR 8:15-9:15 (or by appointment)
Ojedele, Temitopetemitopeao@vt.eduGTAPHD(3)Shanks 442M 11-1
O'Mearns, Rileyromearns@vt.eduGTAMFA(2)Shanks 203T 3-4
Passwater, Sunshinethomaspasswater@vt.eduInstructorPhD, Syracuse, 2021Shanks 304TBA
Patton, Randyrandy.patton@vt.eduSenior InstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 1992Shanks 251MW 9-12; R 11:00-12:15
Raveen, Ifreenifreen@vt.eduGTAMFA(2)Shanks 450MW 11-12
Reilly, Kirkkirkr@vt.eduGTAMFA(2)Shanks 238T 12-2
Robinson, Abigailalrobinson@vt.eduGTAPHD(1)Shanks 248MW 2:30-3:30
Saeidfar, Ghazalghazal22saeidfar@vt.eduInstructorPhD, Texas–DallasShanks 452MW 2:30-3:30
Santana, Catcatalinas@vt.eduGTAMFA(3)Shanks 438TBA
Scallorns, Joejscallorns@vt.eduSenior InstructorMA, MissouriShanks 206TBA
Silva, Amandaacsilva@vt.eduGTAMFA(2)Shanks 238M 2:30-4:30
Sweezy, Madisonsmadis7@vt.eduGTAMA(2)Shanks 446TR 11-12
Taylor, Christinacetay39@vt.eduInstructorMA, Virginia Tech, 2019Shanks 433MW 11:30-12:30 (and by appointment)
Thompson, Brendanbrendant19@vt.edGTAMA(2)Shanks 250TR 11-12
Truscello, Joejosephtt@vt.eduAdvanced InstructorMFA, Virginia TechShanks 340DBy Appointment
Turner, Gracegraceht@vt.eduGTAMFA(2)Shanks 250T 9-11
Unger, Juliajuliaau@vt.eduGTAPHD(2)Shanks 424W 10-12
Yoo, Ericericy@vt.eduGTAMFA(2)Shanks 446TBA
Zan, Jennajenzan@vt.eduInstructor; Associate Director of the UWPMA, Virginia Tech, 2017Shanks 306M 12:15-2:15